
Collage your dreams and goals.  When we create 3-D art that articulates our goals, it adds power to our intention, as well as helps us to get clear about what it is we would like to attract into our lives.  Here’s one of our favorite Healing House Art Therapy sessions.

  1. Meditate on your goals and dreams.
    Sit comfortably, spend a few minutes focusing on your breath, gradually making the breath longer and slower and deeper.  Bring on hand to your heart, and spend a moment connecting to your heart center.  Then ask your heart what it is you would like to create, achieve or attract.  Listen.
  2. Free write what you find. 
    Maintaining this connection to heart, spend 5-20 minutes free writing about these intentions.  Through this act of articulation, we find new insights and clarity.  When you finish, go back and underline key words and phrases.  Notice what new information has arisen.
  3. Create your vision board/dream collage. 
    Here you’ll need a few materials…such as old magazines, wrapping paper, newspaper, fabric, beads and buttons, and anything else you might like to contribute to your collage.  You’ll also need a big sheet of sturdy paper or cardboard, as well as some glue (Both Elmer’s and hot glue would be great.)  With you vision (goals and dreams) in mind and heart, find pieces to represent it.  As you piece together your collage, notice what sorts of new information and clarity come through.
  4. Perpetuate your vision. 
    By hanging your artwork somewhere that you can see it and think about it regularly, you will continue to send energy to it, bringing in constantly closer to manifesting.  You may like to meditate on it, or share it with others, to help perpetuate it forward.
  5. Give thanks! 
    The keys to manifestation are to create with pure intention (no harm to yourself or others, for the highest good) and to give thanks for already having achieved your goal!



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